Cursillo, a Spanish word meaning, "a short course," is a movement within the Church intended to help Christians know God's love and grace and to help Christians discover and live out their personal vocations in the world. Cursillo helps to renew and deepen Christian commitment. Some say Cursillo provides an important learning experience, which causes many to feel like newly-made Christians with a purpose and with support. Everyone's experience is a little different. All confirmed adults or adults pursuing confirmation in the Episcopal Church may attend a Cursillo weekend. There is no cost to attend. Accommodations are made for anyone who is unable to do a lot of walking and provisions are made for special diets. Cursillo weekends are scheduled in the fall and spring. Prayerfully consider attending a Cursillo weekend. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, Cursillo has something to offer. If interested, just ask the Priest or any member of St. James who has gone to a Cursillo.
Information is available by calling the church office at 318-686-1261. You won't regret it. |